With 15 years of experience and over 120 ventures developed for corporations worldwide, we created FifthRow to revolutionize the innovation process. We aimed to automate the traditionally lengthy and costly journey of identifying a viable venture—often taking up to five months and hundreds of thousands of dollars. Now, with FifthRow, you can streamline this process and efficiently bring your new venture to life.

FifthRow played a key role in exploring the potential of venture ideas by automating the research activities and efficiently scaling our operations. We were able to assess the marketability and desirability of ideas.
Giacomo Manzoni
a2A, Corporate Venture Building team
Our Venture Building Results
LAWUsage based insurance with in-app driver metrics
Self-driving car based fleet management service
P2P car sharing
High trust taxi service
Online used car sales platform
Online car magazine and marketplace
Truly VIP dating
Online on-demand health-related questions
Prepaid sports card with metrics built in
Storing solar power without batteries
Energy portal for utilities
Industry 4.0 service backbone in energy
Smart home app
P2P Lending
Used cars professional checking service
Deferred payment method online
Social media based group purchasing platform
Make the largest Chinese load provider generate leads online
Set up innovation environment for the largest Chinese load provider
Online reverse mortgage product
Robotic investment advisory
Paperless office with online full-text search
Intelligent personalized accounting
Bubble tea ordering app
Complete stack revamp for an insurance company
All insurance documents done in one app
Small item insurance completely online
Insure any item on the payment gateway level
Next generation travel blog for cross-selling travel insurance
Productizing the best lawyer we know
Realtime logistics software
Onboarding portal for clients from the whole EU with biometric checks
Truck driver onboard android-based unit
Local artist marketplace
All notifications about content you like
Online TV platform
Book self-publishing platform
Revamp of architecture of the largest publisher in its field in the world
Building a Wordpress driven mobile experience
Vertically integrated real estate platform - from search to paying rent
Building-based community app
Coworking space member2member services system
Modular smart building platform
System for rapidly growing coworking space
Merge 7 Real Estate data portals into 1
Buy anything for free for 30s
Redesign a major telco site to increase data plan revenue
First smart TV app for kids from a toy manufacturer
Employee benefits travel platform