Automate any Business Process
Define advanced AI Agents that perform business flows using online data or are grounded in a FifthRow project.
Built by U+ with 14 years of trusted experience, relied upon by:
Flows in any industry for any use case
Market Research
SWOT Analysis
Customer Segmentation
Regulatory Landscape Analysis
Most prominent startups in a space
Strategic Foresight
Scenario planning
Environmental Scanning
Visioning exercise
Ideation & Discovery
Generate HMW Statement
Whitespace Identification
Create Personas
Find Competitors
Innovation Management
Business Model Canvas
TAM/SAM/SOM Estimation
Pitch Deck Generation
Interview Script Generation
Research, Discover, Test, Find Experts and deliver all on one platform
Research AI
Explore any opportunity space, discover trends, challenges...
Discovery AI
Get viable, testable ventures based on public and private data.
Market Testing AI
Smoke testing at scale delivering market signals in a matter of days.
Talent Matching AI
Find the best talent for delivery of your venture.
Advanced AI Agents that perform business flows using online data.
Replace your consulting spend & supercharge your innovation FTEs